Hana ElShenawy

  • Aspire HR Consultants Talent Acquisition Account Manager

Hana ElShenawy is a passionate Talent Acquisition Account Manager at Aspire HR Consultants. She started early 2023 as a Recruitment Coordinator and quickly climbed the ladder to Senior Recruitment Specialist , then TA Account Manager. She is managing the TA tprocess for all types of roles together with Candidates' engagement. She’s skilled in candidate screening, interviews, job descriptions, and talent sourcing and engagement. She excels in organizing the TA processes and stays updated on industry trends through job fairs and events.

Hana holds a Bachelor's in Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design, and she’s accredited by RIBA. She is also the founder of "Out of Stock Co.", where she manages web design and social media. Before joining Aspire HR Consultants she used to intern in ElGouna Film Festival.

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